June 3-4 OVMRC activation for the POTA Plaque Weekend
00:00 UTC 3rd June to 23:59 UTC 4th June 2023 Local Ottawa time: 8pm Friday 2nd June to 8pm Sunday 4th June Choose your own park! Over 30 in the Ottawa/Gatineau area
Meshtastic: An “appliance” operator’s foray into off-grid messaging
Meshtastic is a platform agnostic software application that is an “..open source, off-grid, decentralized, mesh network built to run on affordable, low-power devices.”
General Links of Interest:
YOTA Camp on the RAC, Volunteer opportunities, and various local amateur radio related information.
Spotlight on Amateur Radio Explorations:
Welcome to a spotlight on various project and explorations that local amateurs have come across or are engaged with which might serve as conversation starters for on-air nets or eye-ball QSOs.
Did you work the Sable Island DXpedition CY0S?
From March 20 for 11 days a team of 8 American well seasoned DXers conducted the most extensive DXpedition multi-mode operation on Sable Island in history using the call sign CY0S on bands 160 m through to 70cm.
Bryan Rawlings VE3QN inducted into the Canadian Amateur Radio Hall of Fame (CARHOF), QCWA Century Club and OVMRC Life Membership
On Saturday April 15, 2023 there was a special in person event sponsored by the Ottawa Valley Mobile Radio Club; Ottawa Amateur Radio Club and, the National Capital Chapter (70) of the Quarter Century Wireless Association to honour the long-standing contributions to amateur radio of Bryan VE3QN.