Club Nets Begin This Week

Hello to all amateurs who frequent the OVMRC-sponsored radio nets.  Take note that the 3 club nets are starting up this week:

2 metre FM net - Thursday, Sept 7 at 8:00 pm Ottawa time on repeater VE3OCE 146.88/28, PL/136.5 Hz.
80 metre Pothole Net - Sunday, Sept 10 at 10:00 am Ottawa time.  3760 kHz., LSB.
6 metre Pot Lid Net - Sunday, Sept 10 at 7:30 pm, 50.090 MHz., CW at around 15 wpm or slower.

There will be a change to the format of the 2 metre net for the routine at the beginning.  The drill will now be:

- NCS welcome and introduction (same as before)
- Call for checkins from portable/mobile/new ham/visitors
- Invitation to club exec for any reports concerning the club

Then it goes to a call for general checkins, whether they be in&out or staying for the duration.  There will be a break after all checkins have had their turn for DX/Contests situation report and general news of interest, followed by a second round of rag chew from all checkins.  Of course, if anyone has any wants & haves they are welcome to announce those during their turn.

Look forward to hearing from everyone again,


Hugo, ve3ktn
Nets & Radio Ops Chair.