The Pot Lid Net Returns
Yes, the OVMRC Pot Lid Net is back on the air! Since the PLN ended its last session in June 2021, several hams who are in the process of learning The Code expressed their need for a more realistic environment to keep practicing so as to improve their proficiency and get their speed up to…
OVMRC Nets 2021-22 Season
Hello and greetings to all OVMRC members and supporters! September is upon us and the new Club season has started. Several changes have occurred during the break, most notably the removal of Club repeater VE3TWO and repeater VE3MPC from service due to the loss of facilities at the RCMP establishment in Orléans. This has necessarily…
Murphy wins this round...
The web site had a bit of a crash today. Most things are restored (Ramblers are available in the usual place, courses/presentations will be restored shortly), but some posts from December until today have been lost. 73 de VE3OIJ -Darin