General Links of Interest:
YOTA Camp on the RAC, Volunteer opportunities, and various local amateur radio related information.
Spotlight on Amateur Radio Explorations:
Welcome to a spotlight on various project and explorations that local amateurs have come across or are engaged with which might serve as conversation starters for on-air nets or eye-ball QSOs.
Did you work the Sable Island DXpedition CY0S?
From March 20 for 11 days a team of 8 American well seasoned DXers conducted the most extensive DXpedition multi-mode operation on Sable Island in history using the call sign CY0S on bands 160 m through to 70cm.
Bryan Rawlings VE3QN inducted into the Canadian Amateur Radio Hall of Fame (CARHOF), QCWA Century Club and OVMRC Life Membership
On Saturday April 15, 2023 there was a special in person event sponsored by the Ottawa Valley Mobile Radio Club; Ottawa Amateur Radio Club and, the National Capital Chapter (70) of the Quarter Century Wireless Association to honour the long-standing contributions to amateur radio of Bryan VE3QN.
Follow OVMRC.ca Articles Via RSS
RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is a system used to disseminate information in a “feed”. RSS is used as the backbone of the podcast distribution system, but can also be used to to follow your favourite websites and news providers. If you enjoy reading the content on the OVMRC.ca website, but forget to check back on…
Another Take on the IC-705
The Icom IC-705 multi-mode QRP transceiver has been around for a couple of years and has been the subject of many product reviews. Its notoriety as a top line QRP radio, my desire to have a full-function QRP radio for Field Day and not having spent any significant money on my ham radio hobby in…
A Guide to HT Range Extension With the Anytone 578
The Anytone 578 (AT578) mobile radio can be configured as a “crossband” repeater. As the name suggests, crossband repeaters operate much like other repeaters with one important difference: the uplink and downlink frequencies are on different bands.
VA3ODG is back on the air on the 70 cm band.
An article that may be of interest to local D-Star and Fusion radio users.