Radio Course Info

Greetings to all that have indicated an interest enrolling in this year's Amateur Radio Course sponsored by the Ottawa Valley Mobile Radio Club Inc. We have had over 40 people that have indicated an interest in taking our course over that last many months. If anybody has previously expressed an interest in the 2018 course but no longer intends registering for the course conducted weekly, Monday evenings at the Science and Technology Museum until mid-December, please let us know now so we can make space for another student. That said, regular attendance is not necessary for completing the course and being successful on the examination.

Registration will be Monday evening, 17 September, at 19h00 at the Canada Science and Technology Museum located at 1867 St. Laurent, Ottawa.  Enter on the south side, directly into Studio 6 as shown on the map below (click map to open large version in a new tab):

Parking for OVMRC meetings

Come as early as 6:45 pm if you wish; this will help us commence the formalities of collecting your registration form and tuition fee. The cost of the course is $100 by cheque payable to the Ottawa Valley Mobile Radio Club (or OVMRC for short) or by cash. Your fee includes a one year membership in our Club and helps us cover the costs of insurance and for rental of the meeting room(s) at the Museum and entitles you to take the ISED Federal Government Exam for your Basic Amateur Radio Qualification Certificate following the course, free of additional charge. Members of the Club provide services teaching this course on a volunteer basis and receive no personal remuneration.

Please print out this registration form, fill out and have ready for next Monday. If for any reason you can not attend next Monday, formal registration can take place at the first class you can attend.

Following registration, a presentation will be given on the course syllabus and objectives, in general terms what amateur radio is all about, and specifically indicating the wonderful amount of radio spectrum that is allocated nationally and internationally to the amateur radio service. Be prepared to stay until 21h30. This kick-off lecture is available for your review at:

We meet for class indicated as Studio 6 on the map above. Parking for the course is free of charge in the designated area "OVMRC Parking Lot".  Parking anywhere else may result in a parking ticket if you do not pay the prescribed $4.

Click here for our schedule of classes and topics; this is subject to change depending on how we progress.

We also invite you all to take an interest in our regular meetings schedule and activities of the Ottawa Valley Mobile Radio Club. These meetings in themselves can be very tutorial to the aspiring radio amateur. Our Club meetings are scheduled on the 3rd Wednesday evening of the month commencing September 19th in the same meeting room as the course. For up-to-date information about the agenda and presenter, tune into the Club web site . Our Newsletter is called the "Ramber" and is published at the beginning of every month and is available and archived on our Web site. You may wish to "Subscribe" for Club notifications about posting of the current newsletter and other amateur radio event information.

Click for registration form for Registration Form

Click for registration form for Training Schedule

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