February Meeting Presentation: sBitX V3
At the Feb 19 2025 Monthly meeting, Stuart Charles VA3CGF shared a presentation on the sBitX open source hybrid transceiver project.
The JPC-12 - A POTA antenna candidate
As part of building a my first station suitable for “tail-gate” or vehicle-based POTA activations, the consideration of which antenna provided the greatest flexibility led me to consider the JPC-12, which I acquired from DX Canada.
OVMRC POTA at Hogs back park # VE-1596
For the OVMRC POTA-in-the-Park event at Hogs back park (# VE-1596) local operators gathered in less than perfect weather to enjoy some good RF propagation. While Norm VE3LC activated the park, 6 operating positions were set up and 18 people participated.