OCVMRC April Meeting
The April 2018 meeting of the OVMRC will take place on 18 April at 19h00, in studio 5 of CSTM. This month there will be a mini-flea market and general socializing, so bring your stuff to sell/swap. Decaf coffee and Timbits will be served. Assistance with radio programming will be available as well. ** New…
March 2018 Rambler (and meeting reminder)
The March Rambler is now available! Also please note: The next meeting will be held on 21 March in Studio 5 of the Canada Science and Technology Museum. Details of where to park and how to find Studio 5 can be found here:
February 2018 Meeting Announcement
The Ottawa Valley Mobile Radio Club resumes conducting its monthly meetings at the Canada Science and Technology Museum on St. Laurent. Time: Reception at 7 pm, Formal proceedings, 7:30 Date: Wednesday February 21st Place: Science and Technology Museum, Studio 5 Park at back of Museum and enter at rear security entrance door (Refer to exterior…
May Meeting Rescheduled
Due to a scheduling conflict at CASM, the regular May meeting has been rescheduled to Monday, 22 May, at 19h30.
Reminder - September Meeting
The first meeting of the 2016-2017 club year will be Wednesday, 21 September, 19h00 at the Canada Aviation and Space Museum.