Tag: amateur radio

  • June 2019 Rambler

    The June 2019 Rambler is now available!

  • OVMRC 2019 Field Day Exercise - 22/23 June

    Club Members and Visitors Join us at the annual Field Day Amateur Radio Communications Exercise & Competition. Place: Aviation and Space Museum – The Big Open Field south of Parking […]

  • Field Day 2018

    The OVMRC will be setting up a radio site for ARRL Field Day at the Canada Aviation and Space Museum. Field Day is always the fourth full weekend, beginning at […]

  • Web Site Maintenance

    As you can see, our web site has been revised again.  We were pretty much forced to move to a new server, and with that, it was seen as an […]

  • Did You Find SuitSat Fascinating?

    THEN...You should consider becoming an Amateur Radio operator! The original goal of SuitSat-1 was to inspire school aged children so that they may become interested in space, science, and Amateur […]

  • The Canadian Ski Marathon

    his year marks the 40th anniversary of the Canadian Ski Marathon (CSM). The 2006 edition of the marathon is scheduled on Feb 11th and 12th. Radio Amateurs have been providing […]