Yaesu FT-100D Microphone Surgery by Rob, VE3RXH
Rambler readers may recall my mobile HF radio install from last month’s issue where I installed my Yaesu FT-100D mobile transceiver and ATAS-120A antenna in my Ford F-150...
OVMRC Fox hunt and POTA Activation at Vincent Massey Park
The Club Executive are committed to organising activities for members to get together, learn about ham radio and have fun. The first outdoor event on the agenda for 2024 was a Fox hunt and POTA activation held on Saturday 20th April at Vincent Massey Park.
Presentation: Award Hunting
During the monthly meeting on Wednesday April 17, 2024 Ante VA2BBW gave a presentation to the membership on the topic of Amateur Radio Awards. Available for download below.
Toroidal Cores for Sale: $5.00 each (all money goes to the OVMRC)
Norm VE3LC has come into possession of more than 60 Fair-Rite toroidal ferrite cores, part number 2643251002.
Tony (AM) Vandenbelt VK3BBD/VE3FXH (SK)
Graham VE3AMN received word from one of Tony's sons that Tony succumbed to Alzheimer's disease last weekend, in a home, in Melbourne Australia. Tony was born in the Netherlands, and emigrated to Canada after the warwith his parents and siblings. Whilst in Ottawa, Tony was very active in amateur radio, serving as president of the…
Mobile HF Radio Install
Back in October 2022 I purchased a 2017 Ford F-150 and it has taken me until now (April 2024) to get my HF radio installed. The final impetus was the upcoming Club mobile radio ‘show and tell’ event scheduled for Saturday 25th May. Here’s a few words and photos to show how I chose to…