The OVMRC Nets - Alive and well
The Nets are enjoying strong participation, but of course, more is always welcome. Take a look who's been getting involved! Please join us and help fill the logs. OVMRC 2 METER NET - Thursdays at 8pm local on repeater VE3TWO. November 3 November 10 November 17 November 24 December 1 VE3LC VE3NPO VE3LBU VE3GIQ…
Getting a user account on the OVMRC web site
If you've been around the OVMRC long enough, you may remember that our old site had a discussion forum, with user accounts. That discussion forum is gone, and with it, all the old user accounts. On this web site, commenting on articles is enabled for registered users. Until recently, anyone was allowed to browse right…
York Region ARC Hamfest
The York Region ARC invites your club members to join us at the 40th edition of our hamfest on Saturday 05 November. Details can be found at the following site: http://rac.eton.ca/events/detail.php?event_ID=1815 Our special guest will be Bob Heil, K9EID