Looking for an amateur radio mic
This came in from a member of the public on the info-line: Hello there. I am looking for a vintage desk top ham radio mike. Metal with goose neck and communication button at the base. It is a prop for a film that I am working on in Ottawa. I could rent, buy or borrow.…
June Meeting Rescheduled
*** IMPORTANT NOTICE *** The June Annual General Meeting normally and elections, normally scheduled for this Wednesday, have been rescheduled due to room scheduling conflicts. The AGM will now take place on Wednesday, 22 June at the usual time. Please update your calendars accordingly. See you then! 73 de VE3OIJ
June 2016 AGM moved 1 week
Due to scheduling conflicts, we have had to move our Annual General Meeting to 22 June at the usual time and place. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Ever wondered what the internet is really like?
Many of us remember a time when having a blog or a computer on the internet was a cool thing and was safe-ish. There were hackers, but you could take some simple steps (though not enough people did, even then) and largely keep the miscreants out of your stuff. It's a different world today. I…
May Meeting
The club General Meeting will be held on Wednesday, 18 May at the usual time. Norm Rashleigh (VE3LC) will be presenting on the topic of the Winlink radio email system and the RMS email client software. In addition, there will be door prizes, and the 50/50 draw. There will be a special door prize opportunity…