2019 Amateur Radio Course
The Ottawa Valley Mobile Radio Club will again offer a Amateur Radio qualification course and examination sessions for candidates to obtain their Basic Level "Certificate of Proficiency in Amateur Radio" issued by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada. Registration and introduction for the 2019 fall session of the course will take place Monday, September 16,…
May 2019 Rambler
The Rambler for May 2019 is now available here.
Proposed Revisions to the OVMRC By-Laws
Attention OVMRC Membership - Proposed Revisions to the OVMRC By-Laws Available for download are the "Proposed Revisions to the OVMRC By-Laws". The Club's executive committee members have been working on revising the Club's By-Laws for several weeks and wish to raise a motion of acceptance by the membership at the May, 2019 meeting. The main…
The Pot Hole Net’s 60th Anniversary Rally
The Pot Hole Net has been in continuous operation since May of 1959. In celebration of the net’s 60th anniversary we will be holding a six-net rally that will give qualifying participants a chance to earn one of three levels of certificates. The rally will start with the PHN on Sunday April 21st…
Photo Gallery has moved!
Because Google is closing down Google+ for non-commercial users, the club has moved its photo gallery to Flickr. You can now find club photos here: