RAC Amateur of the Year 2024 Award: Mike Kelly, VE3FFK
Radio Amateurs of Canada and the OVMRC sincerely congratulates Mike Kelly, VE3FFK, on his appointment as Amateur of the Year for 2024.
Website Feature Highlight 4: Content Distribution
The OVMRC website has many connections to other online platforms and services.
OARC Basic and CW Course
Our friends at the OARC are running a basic amateur radio course and a CW course starting this February.
Website Feature Highlight 3: IRC
The OVMRC now has its very own Internet Relay Chat (IRC) Channel! This channel can be used as a meeting place for local hams to have text-based conversations while in the shack, or on their mobile devices. It can be accessed via our web client at the link below, no installations or registrations are necessary:…