Please Join The Fight
Hi folks, This weeks AMSAT news included an item advising that Stanford University is now dedicating its "folding@home" distributed computing application to determining the protein binding mechanism of the COVID-19 virus which, it is hoped, would lead to development of a vaccine or other mitigating therapy. You can find the link easily enough by searching…
OVMRC March Meeting Cancelled.
The Science and Technology Museum has issued a notice to the General Public that its facilities are closed until further notice, presumably due to the COVID-19 virus containment situation. As all facilities are closed, this includes the OVMRC meeting room, therefore the March OVMRC meeting is cancelled by authority relayed to me by Norm, VE3LC,…
The 80m. Noise Measurements Continue...
Now that we've gone through the December solstice and are approaching the March equinox. I figure it's about time to update what's happening with the 80 metre band noise trends. The solar flux remains quite low and constant, essentially unchanged from a nominal value of 70 since July 2019. Despite this, the band does open…
December 2019 Rambler
The December 2019 Rambler is now available! Everyone is reminded that starting with the January 2020 Rambler, the Back Issues for 2020-2029 will start appearing on a new page.