News and Events

  • Lap the Gats for Parkinsons

    Bicycle event "Lap the Gats for Parkinsons" is looking for hams to operate in Gatineau Park  on the morning of Sat May 30. We will be using their rented commercial radios and providing our expertise in how to communicate rather than providing hardware and spectrum. If available contact Mike Kelly VE3FFK at or on…

  • Field Day 2011

    Field Day 2011 is starting to come together very nicely.... UPDATED AS OF JUNE 21ST ======================== WE WILL BE OPERATING FROM THE MUSEUM GROUNDS CLOSE TO THE ROCKET SHIP AREA Setup will commence on Saturday approx 0900 EDST with the hope of finishing by around 1200 so we can rest till FD starts at 1400…

  • OVMRC is Activating The Champlain Trail in 2008

    2008 Marks The 400th Anniversary of Quebec City!! The first activation will take place at the Champlain Look Out in Gatineau Park on Sunday, June 1st, 2008. HF, VHF, UHF, in CW, SSB, PSK31, on 20 and 40m. Also, IRLP. Look for us on APRS. 2008 marks the 400th anniversary of the foundation of Quebec…


    Saturday 17 November 2007 from 2PM to 4PM Notice to all Hunters From Maurice Andre VE3VIG: If you would like to test and calibrate your 80m DF antenna, come to the Science Museum parking grounds on Saturday Nov 10, 2007 from 10:00 AM till 4:00 PM. I will be there with a transmitter on 3.760…

  • The Canadian Ski Marathon

    his year marks the 40th anniversary of the Canadian Ski Marathon (CSM). The 2006 edition of the marathon is scheduled on Feb 11th and 12th. Radio Amateurs have been providing communications support to CSM operations and safety for 32 years and we show no signs of slowing down for the 33rd year! Although sponsored by…

  • VE3TWO repeater is back ON THE AIR!

    It appears that the VE3TWO Repeater has suffered some damage as a result of the electrical storm that passed through our region on Wednesday evening, July 13, 2005. The chair of the Technical Committee, Jake, has been forced to shut down the repeater for a short period of time while he inspects the repeater and…

  • RAC president visits Ottawa

    All Radio Amateurs are invited to attend the Ottawa Valley Mobile Radio Club (OVMRC) monthly meeting on Thursday, November 21, 2002 at 7:30 PM to meet our National RAC President, Mr. William Gillis, VE1WG. The meeting takes place at the Auditorium of the Canada Science and Technology Museum on St-Laurent Blvd South (East sector of…

  • Christmas Variety Show '00

    The Ottawa Valley Mobile Radio Club (OVMRC) will, again, host an entertaining and talent laden Christmas Variety Show at 2000 hrs. on Thursday, December 14th, 2000 in the auditorium of the National Museum of Science and Technology, 1867 St. Laurent Blvd., in Ottawa. All amateurs, their friends, wives and family are welcome to attend this…