May Meeting
The club General Meeting will be held on Wednesday, 18 May at the usual time. Norm Rashleigh (VE3LC) will be presenting on the topic of the Winlink radio email system and the RMS email client software. In addition, there will be door prizes, and the 50/50 draw. There will be a special door prize opportunity…
April Meeting
The OVMRC meeting will take place on Wednesday, 20 April at 19h30 at the Canada Aviation and Space Museum. Dave Green, VE3TLY will be presenting on the topic of Solar Power and will describe Dave's "off-the-grid" solar power system at his summer cottage. Remember, your attendance at the monthly meetings is recorded. The more you…
Web Site Maintenance
As you can see, our web site has been revised again. We were pretty much forced to move to a new server, and with that, it was seen as an opportunity to update and change the features of the site to be more useful as a communication tool. Gone: The OVMRC Forum is gone. Very…
16 March Meeting
On 16 March, the format of the club meeting will be that of a mini-flea-market. If you have some things to sell, bring them along and see if there is someone looking for those items! Space is limited, so please arrive early (19:00) if you would like a table / space to display your items. …
2015 Annual Christmas Dinner
The OVMRC annual Christmas Dinner is planned for 18:00, Thursday, 17 December at Louis Steak House, 1682 Cyrville Road (location / directions). Reservations are required to get the best cost per person. Please contact Sandy (ve3haz@rac.ca) with your intent to attend and the number of people attending with you. If there are over 30 attendees…