News and Events

  • June Meeting Rescheduled

    *** IMPORTANT NOTICE *** The June Annual General Meeting normally and elections, normally scheduled for this Wednesday, have been rescheduled due to room scheduling conflicts.  The AGM will now take place on Wednesday, 22 June at the usual time. Please update your calendars accordingly. See you then!   73 de VE3OIJ

  • June 2016 AGM moved 1 week

    Due to scheduling conflicts, we have had to move our Annual General Meeting to 22 June at the usual time and place.  We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

  • June 2016 Fox (Transmitter) Hunt

    The OVMRC will host a radio direction finding exercise / transmitter hunt (i.e. fox or bunny hunt) on Saturday, 4 June 2016, at Petrie Island in Orléans, at the north end of Trim Road.  Start time is 11 AM, and the event is expected to run until 2 PM. Everyone - members, family, friends - is invited.…

  • May Meeting

    The club General Meeting will be held on Wednesday, 18 May at the usual time. Norm Rashleigh (VE3LC) will be presenting on the topic of the Winlink radio email system and the RMS email client software. In addition, there will be door prizes, and the 50/50 draw.  There will be a special door prize opportunity…

  • Field Day Workshop

    We now have confirmation the grounds of Aviation Museum are available again this year for Field Day. Permission granted by Stacy Wakeford, new Director, Visitor Experience.  To plan the event and provide info to members, a workshop will be held at the Canada Aviation and Space Museum regarding the club's annual Field Day exercise on…

  • Monday Workshop

    On 11 April, at 18h30, the OVMRC will hold a workshop on the topic of radio direction finding. The workshop will cover the building of home-brew direction finding antennas, DF techniques, and the upcoming 4 June bunny-hunt event. Please join us at the Canada Aviation and Space Museum!

  • April Meeting

    The OVMRC meeting will take place on Wednesday, 20 April at 19h30 at the Canada Aviation and Space Museum.  Dave Green, VE3TLY will be presenting on the topic of Solar Power and will describe Dave's "off-the-grid" solar power system at his summer cottage. Remember, your attendance at the monthly meetings is recorded. The more you…

  • Web Site Maintenance

    As you can see, our web site has been revised again.  We were pretty much forced to move to a new server, and with that, it was seen as an opportunity to update and change the features of the site to be more useful as a communication tool. Gone: The OVMRC Forum is gone.  Very…