News and Events

  • Ontario Distracted Driving Law - Extension of Exemption

    The amateur radio exemption to Ontario's distracted driving law has been extended until 1 January, 2021 (see below). ONTARIO REGULATION 475/17 made under the HIGHWAY TRAFFIC ACT Made: December 12, 2017 Filed: December 12, 2017 Published on e-Laws: December 12, 2017 Printed in The Ontario Gazette: December 30, 2017 Amending O. Reg. 366/09 (DISPLAY SCREENS…

  • December Rambler!

    The December Rambler is now available!  Get it

  • November Newsletter

    The November Rambler is now available!  Get yours today!

  • Special 60th Anniversary OVMRC Shirt Order

    We are placing a group order for an OVMRC Shirt personalized with Name (first) and Call Sign for OVMRC Club members. So far, 25 Club members have signed up to order a shirt at the meeting on the 18th. All orders must be in by November 1st so we can place the group order promptly.…

  • Web site moved to new server

    There comes a time with every cloud instance that it must vanish into the ether. So it was with the web server here. However, like a phoenix rises from the ashes, the server has been transported onto a new instance. If you notice any weirdness please let the webmaster know with a description of what…

  • October Newsletter published!

    The Rambler for October 2017 is now available here.

  • Did You Know?

    The OVMRC was founded in 1957, and is celebrating its 60th anniversary this year!  It was a bit slow going at first, as the name wasn't chosen for a few months.  If you visit our Newsletter Archive, you can read the old Rambler from Back In The Day (tm)!  

  • September Rambler!

    The September 2017 edition of The Rambler has been posted!