News and Events

  • November 2019 Rambler

    The November 2019 Rambler is now available!

  • 80m. Noise Trend for November.

    Hello all.  I've made another measurement of the observed noise level in the 80 metre band as a follow-up to the measurement done in early October and do see some expected changes.  Here's the plot: It should be immediately obvious that the noise trend during daylight hours is less saturated at the -110 dBm. level…

  • October 2019 Rambler

    The October Rambler is now available!

  • What's Happening With the D Layer?

    Some OVMRC readers, especially those who join the Pot Hole Net on Sunday mornings, will know that there's been discussion on whether the 10 A.M. net start time is too late in the day considering that 80 metres starts to close up at around that time. The problem, it is thought, is that the D…

  • 2 Metre Net 2019-20

    Well, hello everyone! Now that Autumn is fully in gear, it's certainly time to introduce the new OVMRC Nets season and some changes that have occurred since last year. Firstly, let me introduce myself as the new Chair of OVMRC Radio Ops - Hugo Kneve, VE3KTN. Many will know that Ken, VE3EKN, announced his retirement…

  • 2019 Amateur Radio Course

    The Ottawa Valley Mobile Radio Club will again offer a Amateur Radio qualification course and examination sessions for candidates to obtain their Basic Level "Certificate of Proficiency in Amateur Radio" issued by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada. Registration and introduction for the 2019 fall session of the course will take place Monday, September 16,…

  • June 2019 Rambler

    The June 2019 Rambler is now available!

  • OVMRC 2019 Field Day Exercise - 22/23 June

    Club Members and Visitors Join us at the annual Field Day Amateur Radio Communications Exercise & Competition. Place: Aviation and Space Museum – The Big Open Field south of Parking Lot Date: June 22-23, 2019 Times: Setup: Friday afternoon, June 21 and Saturday morning June 22 Radio Communications Exercise: 2 pm Saturday for 24 hours…