News and Events

  • OARC Basic and CW Course

    Our friends at the OARC are running a basic amateur radio course and a CW course starting this February. Please see links below for more information:

  • Website Feature Highlight 3: IRC

    The OVMRC now has its very own Internet Relay Chat (IRC) Channel! This channel can be used as a meeting place for local hams to have text-based conversations while in the shack, or on their mobile devices. It can be accessed via our web client at the link below, no installations or registrations are necessary:…

  • OVMRC Portable Activity (Oct 19, 2024) POTA at Green's Creek Conservation Reserve CA-1425

    Green’s Creek starts at the Ottawa River in the east end of Ottawa. It is an area of unusual geology, with steep-sided ravines and plateaus. The area has 5.5 kilometres of trails for seasonal recreation such as hiking and cross-country skiing.

  • Scouting Good Service Award: Roger VA3EGY

    At the OVMRC October meeting, Roger Egan VA3EGY was presented with a Medal for Good Service for the many hours of volunteering that he does with Scouts Canada. The Medal and paper certificate were presented by Rod Wilson VE3RXN, Group Commissioner for Scouts Canada National Museum, home of scout radio station VE3SHQ.

  • Website Feature Highlight 2: Navigation has been posting featured articles from the RAMBLER for a couple of years now. On the home page, articles are arranged in chronological order with newer posts at the top and older posts towards the bottom. The home page shows the latest 9 posts, but the older posts are still accessible on subsequent pages.…

  • MS-Bike: An Amateur Radio and Public Service Event - Nicole VE3GIQ

    At the October 16th OVMRC meeting I presented a briefing on this year’s MS Bike Tour fund raiser, but went on to discuss the role of amateurs in supporting public events in general, with a focus on bringing added value to these events. This year’s MS Bike Tour was held the weekend of August 17th…

  • Quick Tips #1 - Attaching wires to a fibreglass mast

    Quick Tips #1 - Attaching wires to a fibreglass mast

    Attaching wire antennas to a fibreglass mast for portable operation can be a challenge and it often results in the tip of the mast eventually getting broken. Here is a solution that takes the strain off the fragile tip section of the mast.

  • IC-705 Reference Stability

    IC-705 Reference Stability

    Crystal oscillator aging is a characteristic where the unit's mean frequency will slowly drift over time; the characteristic is normally monotonic and asymptotic to a "final" frequency which occurs after a very long time. So, what about the IC-705, or, in this case, my IC-705?