Our History
It is October 7, 2023 and I am on my way to collect a "box" from Ken, VE3EKN, who ended up as the temporary custodian of paperwork that was removed from the Museum of Science and Technology station, VE3JW, when it closed in 2015.
The Amateur Radio Digital Communications Inc.
The Amateur Radio Digital Communications Inc. is a not-for-profit organization incorporated in 2011 in the state of California that is now in the business of making grants to worthy amateur radio needs, causes and projects. It provides significant funding for the annual Youth-On-The –Air Camp such as was hosted this summer at Carleton University.
YOTA Camp 2023 - Ensuring the Future of Amateur Radio in Canada
On Sunday, 29 campers which included youth session leaders as well as another 10 adult chaperones and helpers came to Ottawa from around the world.
Club Activation using VE3JW for the POTA Plaque Weekend
The POTA Plaque weekend is an annual event in the Parks On The Air schedule, that started in 2018 when two plaques were awarded, one for the top activator and the other for the top hunter.
DIY Field Day Set up
As the Rambler Editor asked for pictures from our DIY setup, here goes:
2022-23 Year End Nets Report
Greetings to all OVMRC members and participants in our weekly nets. I'm happy to say that attendance at the HF and VHF nets has continued to do well over the past season now that we're getting over the COVID hiatus.
GPS for FT8/FT4: Off-Net Time Sync of Raspberry Pi Computer
Operating Objective: To use a Raspberry Pi - 400 (or equally Raspberry Pi-4 ) as a computer to operate the WSJT-X application for portable operations of the FT-8 and FT-4 modes without the aid of an internet connection or AC power.
Meshtastic: An “appliance” operator’s foray into off-grid messaging
Meshtastic is a platform agnostic software application that is an “..open source, off-grid, decentralized, mesh network built to run on affordable, low-power devices.”