
  • Murphy wins this round...

    The web site had a bit of a crash today. Most things are restored (Ramblers are available in the usual place, courses/presentations will be restored shortly), but some posts from December until today have been lost. 73 de VE3OIJ -Darin

  • Update / Reminder about the web site

    I've been noticing some user lockouts lately, so I thought it might be helpful to repost this stuff from back in March 2016, just so everyone is on the same page.  Back in 2016 the club was forced to change web providers, and in so doing, took a look at the web services we had…

  • Web site moved to new server

    There comes a time with every cloud instance that it must vanish into the ether. So it was with the web server here. However, like a phoenix rises from the ashes, the server has been transported onto a new instance. If you notice any weirdness please let the webmaster know with a description of what…

  • October Meeting

    The regular October club meeting will take place Wednesday, Oct 19th at 7:00 P.M. at the Canada Aviation and Space Museum. This month's speaker will be Paul Dufresne (VE3OTB) who will discuss the development and use of his APRS-SMS messaging gateway.

  • Ever wondered what the internet is really like?

    Many of us remember a time when having a blog or a computer on the internet was a cool thing and was safe-ish.  There were hackers, but you could take some simple steps (though not enough people did, even then) and largely keep the miscreants out of your stuff. It's a different world today.  I…

  • Technical difficulties

    OVMRC is having a bit of difficulty with its DNS, so the web site may have periods of intermittent operation while everything gets squared away. If you find the web site has disappeared or get a weird error over the next few days, don't worry, we will be back.   73 de VE3OIJ -Darin

  • Web Site Maintenance

    As you can see, our web site has been revised again.  We were pretty much forced to move to a new server, and with that, it was seen as an opportunity to update and change the features of the site to be more useful as a communication tool. Gone: The OVMRC Forum is gone.  Very…

  • Invitation To Attend Raspberry Pi Boot Camp

    LEARN ABOUT RASPBERRY PIE PROJECTS AND COOL THINGS THAT YOU CAN DO WITH THEM For those of you who are just starting to play around with Raspberry Pi and/or Linux, we are holding an event that aims to pair newbies with experts and provide a place for you to ask questions and to get ideas.…