Our current members owe a debt of gratitude to the early members and the many members since who have contributed their valuable time to the creation and continuation of this club. We also applaud those individuals that have contributed to the verbal and written record of this club, particularly Ed Morgan VE3GX and Doreen Morgan VE3CGO. Ed’s contribution as Editor of the club’s “Rambler” newsletter and club historian for so many of the early years is, without a doubt, the outstanding contribution covering the early history of the OVMRC. A special thanks to former Webmasters Chris Wiesner VE3CUZ, and Darin Cowan VE3OIJ, who built and maintained the previous iterations of this website.
Back in the early 1950's, a group of like-minded amateurs began meeting informally for coffee and meals in restaurants in the Ottawa area, and for motor trips and picnics around the Ottawa Valley. The common thread that drew them together was their interest in HF mobile Amateur Radio. They were an exclusive group who would go to all kinds of trouble to run mobile rigs, but they sure had fun. These early members organized summer picnics, swim parties and various other social activities. Social events were high on their list of priorities and they soon generated a sizable following. By the middle of the 1950's, this interest had reached a point where a more formal structure was desired, leading to the formation of the Ottawa Valley Mobile Radio Club in 1956. They applied to the Province of Ontario and were granted Letters Patent on March 16, 1962 to incorporate the Club as "Ottawa Valley Mobile Radio Club, Incorporated (OVMRC)".
November 1957
The Club was formed by the following amateurs: Gerry Erland VE3BBY, Tom Hayes VE3ABC, Eric Bodley VE3AK, Glen Pack VE3CGP, Ian McIntyre VE3DMT, Gerry Harbottle VE3AGU, Gord Grant VE3DY, Harry Hayes VE3BEB, George Brunet VE3BZI, Doug Burrill VE3CDC, Doreen Morgan VE3CGO, Don Waters, VE3DEL, Ken Scrivens VE3AFO, Ed Morgan VE3GX, Gerry King VE3BST, and Doug Metcalfe VE3BON.
January 1958
The first general election was held. Gerry Erland VE3BBY, was elected President. Membership in the club totalled 69 and most members were operating mobile radios on 75 and/or 10 meters with a few on 6 meters. The Club became affiliated with the American Radio Relay League (ARRL).
May 1959
An amateur radio monitoring service for club members was initiated on 3760 kHz. The Club monitoring service was suggested and introduced by Mike Larson K5IJV/VE3. Doreen Morgan VE3CGO, monitored the frequency throughout the day from early morning until the evening for any emergency or general traffic from mobiles and out of town stations. She used MARS PBY equipment which had been lent by K5IJV/VE3 who was on loan working with the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) in the Ottawa area flying T-33 trainer jets.
The “Pot Hole Net” was also suggested and introduced by Mike Larson K5IJV / VE3 on 3760 kHz. as the official Club Net conducted every Saturday and Sunday Morning at 10:00 a.m. local time. The name of the net was derived from the numerous pot holes prevalent at the time in Ottawa roadways and which were frequently the topic of mobile conversation! The Pot Hole Net was registered with the ARRL who indicated strong objections to the choice of the name! They were promptly informed by President, Mike Larson K51GV/VE3, of the circumstances and acquainted with the fact that it was our prerogative to select an appropriate name. The Pot Hole Net is still operating today.
June 1959
The OVMRC participated for the first time in Field Day.
September 1959
The official club callsign VE3RAM was selected by the membership. The letters “RAM” have dual significance. First, they represent our newsletter “Rambler” and secondly, they stand for “Radio Amateur Mobile”.
October 1959
The first of many social evenings were held at the facilities of a reserve military mess complete with a bar. The members and XYL/YLs spent a pleasant evening chatting, dancing and in general getting to know each other better. The music was provided from records owned by the members. A light lunch and door prizes were supplied from the modest charge for admission. It was an unwritten rule that amateur radio discussions were taboo. This tradition was continued down through the years at functions of a social and family nature.
January 1960
The first of many adult skating parties was held and they were usually followed by meeting at someone’s home for conversation, dancing and lunch.
June 1960
The second club Field Day was held and we placed 2nd in the two transmitter class. Quite an accomplishment.
July 1960
The Club’s radio equipment used for monitoring 3760 kHz. was replaced by a highly modified #19 Radio Set owned by Ed, VE3GX. This was necessary due to the departure of Mike Larson K5IJV/VE3, who returned to the United States of America.
The OVMRC supplied communications for the Capital City Regatta on
50.4 MHz for 100 sailing craft. With the help of seven members over the two-day event, two “marine mobiles” were installed on two of the boats and operated in conjunction with the station located at the Boat Clubhouse. The second day, there were three “marine mobiles” operating.
December 1960
The first annual Childrens’ Christmas Party was held complete with Santa Claus (Gerry King), presents, cartoons, games and food. This event became one of the most popular of our annual activities.
January 1961
Ed Morgan VE3GX became the Editor for the Rambler taking over the task from Gord Grant VE3DY.
February 1961
A contest for the design of a Club Emblem or Crest was announced in the Rambler. The Worked Ottawa Mobile (WOM) Certificate was also introduced. The certificate was awarded to out-of- town stations for working five Club members mobile and an amateur could get endorsement stickers in increments of five contacts.
April 1961
The contest for the Club Emblem or Crest resulted in a tie between VE3BCL and K9YZA/VE3 for their designs. The judges decided to combine their respective designs in a composite which became our current Club Emblem. The RAMBLER also introduced the “Pot Hole Net Certificate” awarded to regular call-ins to the Net.
The OVMRC held the first genuine Road Rally. It was a simple course and the family car served in lieu of the proverbial sports car. Most of the entrants brought their families along to enjoy the event.
May 1961
A joint picnic was held with the Montreal Emergency Communications Corps at Long Sault Park near Cornwall. There was also a tour through CJSS TV studios.
June 1961
Billings Bridge Shopping Centre was the location for a 75 meter mobile whip tune-up.
The OVMRC also entered the three transmitter class during Field Day and placed 1st in Ontario, 4th in Canada and 28th in North America in a field of more than 200 clubs.
April 1962
The Ottawa Valley Mobile Radio Club was duly Incorporated and was officially recorded as such by the Province of Ontario on April 27, 1962. Incorporation provides protection from lawsuits. Ed Morgan had recommended that the club should become Incorporated.
The Ottawa Valley Mobile Radio Club Inc. is an association of radio amateurs devoted to the promotion of interest in amateur radio communications in the National Capital Region and to the advancement and achievement of club members.
Our Club Objectives are:
- To contribute to the interest, study and progress of the science and art of Amateur Radio with particular emphasis on Mobile operations;
- To promote social activities among members and their families;
- To cooperate with and assist the civil authorities to the fullest extent possible in any emergency; and...
- To foster good will and understanding among radio amateurs.
May 1962
The Rambler newsletter announced a contest inviting members to design and construct a 2-meter AM mobile transmitter/receiver or transceiver capable of two-way communication over a minimum distance of 5 miles. It was to be simple enough so that anyone who could follow a schematic could copy it. It was to be made from standard locally obtainable parts. Various points were awarded for neatness of wiring, mechanical construction, self-contained power supply, AC/DC or DC only, including 10 points awarded if the cost was less than $50 and 20 points awarded if the cost was less than $40.00. The winner would receive a prize worth about $25.00.
June 1962
The OVMRC came “First” in Canada in the two transmitter class. Extra points were gained extra using the “under 30 watt” multiplier leading to a placement of 18th in North America in a field of 228. There were only eight operators so it was quite an accomplishment. Our very first “First”.
May 1965
The OVMRC sponsored and operated its first Spring Auction. All previous auctions were jointly sponsored by our club and the Ottawa Amateur Radio Club (OARC).
June 1965
The “Swap Net” operating on 3760 kHz. was launched as part of the Pot Hole Net. Jack Whittingham, VE3YC, conducted the Swap Net every Saturday at 10:00 AM.
Another “First” in Canada was obtained in the two transmitter class during Field Day. This was our “1st First” in the Field Day rise to fame.
March 1966
The OVMRC initiated a new service to Ottawa Area Radio Amateurs, a QSL Bureau, under the management of VE3YC, established at P. O. Box 6161.
June 1966
The club purchased a Heathkit HW12, complete with a home-brew power supply, from VE3BRE to replace the #19 set used by the Monitoring Station.
The Amateur Radio Station VE3JW, was sponsored by the OVMRC, and located at the CANADA SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY MUSEUM, St Laurent Blvd, Ottawa. It was officially opened on March 19, 1974. Amateur Radio Callsign VE3JW, was used at the station and was originally issued to Jim W. Cotter of Ottawa.

Jim W. Cotter lost his sight in early childhood when a box of dynamite caps exploded in his hands. He received his Amateur license in the early 1920's and was probably the first blind radio Amateur in Canada. He operated his home station under callsign C3EN and later, when VE letters were allocated to Canadian Amateurs, he obtained callsign VE3JW, his initials.

Jim W. Cotter became a silent key on December 29, 1969 at the age of 67. Amateur Radio Station VE3JW is dedicated to his memory and to the many Amateur Radio operators who pioneered in radio communications. In view of the fact that the station is dedicated to the early pioneers, the original 10" spark coils and hand sending key from the Voice of Atlantic Seaboard (VAS) was used during the opening ceremony. VAS was the first Canadian radiotelegraph station capable of transmitting commercial trans-Atlantic messages and commenced operation in the early 1900's. Mr. Cotter's nine year old granddaughter, Jayne Arbuckle, pressed the hand sending key to create the spark to officially open the station .
The original station equipment used in 1974 was provided by Heathkit in kit form. The equipment was built by members of the OVMRC and included one HW101 SSB transceiver, HP23B Power Supply, and a SB200 Linear Amplifier. A 30' tower with a Mosley 3-element tri-band beam was assembled by the memb
Celebrating VE3JW 30th anniversary, OVMRC held a Special Event Day on Friday, 19th March 2004, at the Amateur Radio Exhibit Station.
As the station is dedicated to Jim W Cotter, first blind Radio Amateur, the Cotter family was invited to participate. Also invited were all local or visiting Amateurs.

The object was to have each participant complete at least one radio contact. Those doing so were awarded a special commemorative certificate showing a colour picture of the VE3JW station, and inscribed with the contact coordinates, and your name and call.

Shown here are three members of the Jim W Cotter family who visited the VE3JW station during the celebration. Peggy is seen holding her certificate for having completed a radio contact, which was the farthest distant contact of the day. The large screen at the rear shows this contact: T99A, Bosnia. In the middle of the picture is Grandson Clark and Great Grandson Cleary.
From 2015-2017 the Science and Technology Museum underwent renovations and was closed to the public. Unfortunately, when the museum re-opened, the VE3JW exhibit was retired. The OVMRC is presently considering an alternate or portable configuration to allow amateurs to learn/practice radio operation, however, at this time VE3JW is a part of history.
Roster of Presidents
1958-1959 | Gerry Erland | VE3BBY |
1959-1960 | Mike Larson | K51GV/VE3 |
1960-1961 | Ian MacIntyre | VE3DMT (VE3CZ) |
1961-1962 | Mitch Powell | VE3BCJ |
1962-1963 | Lyle Ward | VE3CEZ |
1963-1964 | Gerry King | VE3BST (VE3GK) |
1964-1965 | Glenn Pack | VE3CGP |
1965-1967 | Jack Whittingham | VE3YC |
1967-1968 | Ed Morgan | VE3GX |
1968-1969 | Ted Duncan | VE3GGQ |
1969-1970 | Mike Patriarche | VE3DNJ |
1970-1971 | Bernie Best | VE3SH |
1971-1972 | Doreen Morgan | VE3CGO |
1972-1973 | Ron Belleville | VE3AUM |
1973-1974 | Ron Hutchinson | VE3GUJ (VE3MG) |
1974-1975 | Bernie Best | VE3SH |
1975-1976 | Dan Danielson | VE3EMO |
1976-1977 | Sydney Moorcroft | VE3GVI |
1977-1978 | Ron North | VE3HDO |
1978-1979 | Merv Lemke | VE3CV |
1979-1980 | Tom Hayes | VE3ABC |
1980-1981 | Mike Shacklock | VE3LAR |
1981-1982 | Russ Pastuch | VE3FSN |
1982-1984 | Dave Coutts | VE3KLX |
1984-1985 | Pat Brewer | VE3KJQ |
1985-1986 | Bob Campbell | VE3KLK |
1986-1987 | Vance Johnson | VE3OAO |
1987-1989 | Bill Seyler | VE3OAI |
1989-1991 | Doug Carswell | VE3ATY |
1991-1992 | Jeff Wilson | VE3RCI |
1992-1993 (June 1992 - January 1993) | Bob Sharp | VE3YBC |
1993-1994 | Jerry Wells | VE3CDS |
1994-1996 | Ernie Jury | VE3EJJ |
1996-1998 | Dan Reardon | VE3GUU |
1998-1999 | Doug Carswell | VE3ATY |
1999-2001 | Susan Mogensen | VE3MOG |
2001-2002 | Dan Johnston | VA3JAR |
2002-2004 | Ken McKenzie | VA3NEK |
2004-2005 | Paul Henry | VE3CPH |
2005-2006 | Bob Sharp | VA3QV |
2006-2007 | No President (Vice-President Acted) | |
2007-2008 | Jerry Neufeld | VE3QSO |
2008-2009 | David Scott | VE3ZZU |
2009-2011 | Michel Barbeau | VE3EMB |
2011-2012 | Doug Carswell | VE3ATY |
2012-2013 | Michel Barbeau | VE3EMB |
2013-2015 | Sandy Haggart | VE3HAZ |
2015-2016 | Norm Rashleigh | VE3LC |
2016-2023 | Barry Allison | VE3NA |
2022-Present | Norm Rashleigh | VE3LC |