2 Metre Net 2019-20

Well, hello everyone! Now that Autumn is fully in gear, it's certainly time to introduce the new OVMRC Nets season and some changes that have occurred since last year.

Firstly, let me introduce myself as the new Chair of OVMRC Radio Ops - Hugo Kneve, VE3KTN. Many will know that Ken, VE3EKN, announced his retirement from leading Radio Ops as of June, after having held the position for several years. Ken led the Thursday night 2 metre net, making our Club a more interesting place to be and a great forum for exchanging ideas and news among Club members. Thank you, Ken, for the service you've given to the Club.

So, now what? For one thing, the Thursday evening 2 metre net continues, albeit with a few changes in format. Maybe I should apologise for springing a new order of doing things over the first couple of weeks into the new season without prior notice, but I think that things are smoothed out now and will continue to run well henceforth; even with live testing the new format, we continue to have a robust group of people checking in to the net. The new 2 metre net preamble and check-ins call order can be found on the "Club Info - Amateur Radio Info - OVMRC 2-Metre Net" page.

Regarding net controllers for the 2 metre net, Rob Haddow, VE3RXH, has come forward offering to run the net along with me - thank you Rob. At this point, I'm looking to alternate with Rob on a two weeks on - two weeks off schedule that would start in October. I still have to confirm this with Rob, hopefully to have him on for the last two weeks of October.

The 80 metre Pothole Net is under way as well, continuing under the leadership of Ernie Jury, VE3EJJ. Eighty metres has been a bit unpredictable over the summer and continues to be so. There have been days when propagation has been totally flat, both day and night, and others when propagation has been good enough to support some overseas DX. Through thick or thin, the Pothole Net carries on, please mark your calendars to check in each Sunday morning at 10:00 local time, 3760 kHz., LSB.

That's it for now. Looking forward to good talk on the Thursday 2 metre net:

20:00 each Thursday evening on VE3TWO, 147.300/900 MHz. with a 100 Hz. tone.
