2019 Amateur Radio Course

The Ottawa Valley Mobile Radio Club will again offer a Amateur Radio qualification course and examination sessions for candidates to obtain their Basic Level "Certificate of Proficiency in Amateur Radio" issued by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada.

Registration and introduction for the 2019 fall session of the course will take place Monday, September 16, 7 pm at the Canada Science and Technology Museum 1867 St. Laurent Blvd., Ottawa. South side, using the outside Studio 6 entrance.

Course fees of $100 will be accepted in cash or cheque upon registration. Late registration will also be permitted after the course begins if there is room; we want to limit the class size to 40 students. The course will be conducted Monday evenings, 7 to 10 pm (not including the Thanksgiving holiday Monday) until December 16 when there will be a group examination session.

For those wanting to register for this course or for further information please email your intention or questions to Norm at: VE3LC@rac.ca