OVMRC 2019 Field Day Exercise - 22/23 June

Club Members and Visitors Join us at the annual Field Day Amateur Radio Communications Exercise & Competition.

Place: Aviation and Space Museum – The Big Open Field south of Parking Lot
Date: June 22-23, 2019

  • Setup: Friday afternoon, June 21 and Saturday morning June 22
  • Radio Communications Exercise: 2 pm Saturday for 24 hours
  • Site tear-down: Sunday afternoon after 2 pm.

Club Field Day Call Sign: VE3JW
Field Day GOTA Call Sign: VE3RAM

Talk-in: VE3TWO Repeater 147.30 MHz + (100Hz tone)
Alternate Talk-in: 146.52 MHz Simplex
(Local Ottawa Hams, please all give us a FD contact on 146.52 MHz)

Members of the General Public (especially those with an interest in STEM) are encouraged and welcome to drop-in on our Field Day Communications Exercise and we will show and explain what amateur radio is all about and how you can get involved in this wonderful and exciting hobby.

What you can see:

  • Amateur Radio Communications through Low Earth Orbiting Satellites.
  • High Frequency (Short Wave) world-wide capable communications.
  • Morse Code and Voice Communications.
  • Amateur Radio Digital Communications.
  • Information on what you need to know to obtain your Certificate of Proficiency in Amateur Radio issued by the Federal Government.
  • General Information of how various radio services are authorized to utilize the radio spectrum in Canada.
  • How amateur radio provides volunteer communications services for public events such as the CN Bike Ride for CHEO
  • How amateur radio operators provide volunteer communications services in times of disaster relief when conventional communications services fail or are overloaded.

For further information, contact Norm at VE3LC<@>rac.ca  (*** remove the < and > )