Update / Reminder about the web site

I've been noticing some user lockouts lately, so I thought it might be helpful to repost this stuff from back in March 2016, just so everyone is on the same page.  Back in 2016 the club was forced to change web providers, and in so doing, took a look at the web services we had and what was being used  or left unused.  This is what changed...

Imagine this is rotating and we're travelling back in time to March 2016
Imagine this is rotating and we're travelling back in time to March 2016

Things That Are Gone:

  1. The OVMRC Forum is gone.  Very few people were using it, and the software was very out of date and not easily able to be updated.  Your old login will not work.  See point 4 in the New Features, below.
  2. The number of static pages has been (somewhat) trimmed down in favour of more dynamic, news-feed like content.

Things That Are New in 2016:

There are so many new features. So, starting at the top...

  1. Check the address bar - you will see that there is a lock icon there now!  Our site is now using HTTPS to protect passwords that may be sent when you log in or send us data.
  2. The site will whinge at you if you're using an old browser, and remind you to update it to something safer and more reasonable.  We care about the safe surfing of our members and users.  Please use an up-to-date browser when you browse the internet - it will save you grief.
  3. Blog format - news items are now posted in a blog format, with the current stuff on the front page, and older stuff moving automatically into archives.
  4. Comments enabled! - in lieu of the forum, users so inclined may now comment on posts for 90 days.  If you wish to write comments, you must register an account with our web site by clicking the register link in the left column.  Old forum accounts are gone, and the logins from the forum will not work.  OVMRC does not sell any of the information you provide.  Signing up on here DOES NOT add you to the mailing list.  If you wish to receive club newsletters by email, you will have to join the club or sign up through the newsletter subscribe link.
  5. Search - you can now search the site with the box in the upper right corner, or via the Archives, Categories, and Tags links on the left-side menu.
  6. The site has been optimized for mobile browsers as well, if you follow the site from a phone or tablet.
  7. RSS feeds - the site now provides RSS feeds for anyone who may wish to follow our posts with a reader.
  8. Behind the scenes - backups, security and protection from internet scumbaggery, data organization.

We hope everyone finds the new site a bit more informative and easy to use.  Enjoy!

Reading the web site does not require registration.  Only posting and commenting requires a login.
