Request For Assistance

The club recently received this request for assistance. If you can help, please contact the club via email and we will put you in contact.


I'm doing some genealogy research about my uncle Charles Finlay. Charlie was the Manager of the CBC Britannia Heights short-wave receiving station in Ottawa between about 1939 and 1946.  I believe that Charles Finlay was succeeded by Charles P. Wright as station manager of the Britannia Heights station..

I'm unclear however exactly where the Britannia Heights receiving station and the 17 or so acres of land that it occupied was located. I can't find any record of the exact address, nor can I find any decent quality photos (apart from a blurred image from an old magazine clipping in the attached article). So I'm hoping that someone from your OVMRC club might perhaps know of the CBC short wave station history of the area?

I also am wondering whether the DRTE (Defense Research Telecommunications Establishment) which was the forerunner of the Canada CRC Communications Research Centre at 3701 Carling Ave occupies what was the CBC Britannia Heights short-wave receiving station land, or whether this site is indeed different and unrelated (even in the same general area).

You might find the following attachments to be of interest if anyone keeps historical archives.


Gordon Finlay

North Vancouver, BC

Britannia Heights Short Wave Station (article)
Click for full size image