June 2016 Fox (Transmitter) Hunt

The OVMRC will host a radio direction finding exercise / transmitter hunt (i.e. fox or bunny hunt) on Saturday, 4 June 2016, at Petrie Island in Orléans, at the north end of Trim Road.  Start time is 11 AM, and the event is expected to run until 2 PM.

Everyone - members, family, friends - is invited.  There is space to picnic and to hunt the transmitters.  Those who wish to join us are to meet at the picnic tables near the parking lot.

Bring your own picnic lunch and refreshments.

There will be a talk-in on the VE3MPC repeater, 147.150+

Please contact Norm (VE3LC) by email (link will open your mail program) to let him know if you are planning to attend and how many in your group.  If that link does not work, you can also contact the webmaster with your information.

Full Details of the Transmitter Hunt:

Entrants can work individually or in two or three person teams.

To locate both (two), 2 metre, low power beacon transmitters that will be hidden on the grounds of Petrie Island within reasonable short hiking distance from the starting point. Each of the two transmitters will be transmitting on different frequencies.

Ideally, directional antennas will assist in finding the transmitters however, it may be possible to find the transmitters using nothing more that a conventional 2 meter FM handheld portable with standard antenna. The transmitters will be transmitting a steady CW carrier signal with an occasional Morse ID. Frequencies of the beacon transmitters will be provided at the site.

The two transmitters will likely be hidden in opposing directions so two individuals or teams can depart from the starting point at the same time seeking one or the other transmitter. After finding the transmitter and marking the sign-in sheet where the transmitter is located or after 30 minutes (which ever comes first) the individual or team will promptly return to the starting point to be sent off to try to find the second hidden transmitter. A longer time than 30 minutes may be given to try to find the transmitters depending on how many participants there are for the event.

Participant will be requested to have a dedicated second portable tuned to 146.52 to listen for instructions to return to the event control when time limit is up. Radios will be on hand for folks without a second radio.

73 and we hope to see you there!

Norm, VE3LC