June 3-4 OVMRC activation for the POTA Plaque Weekend

POTA Plaque Event Meetup

  • Date/Time: 23.00 hrs UTC Friday 2 Jun 2023
  • Location: Bate Island east of Champlain Bridge
  • Contact:  Rob, VE3RXH, ve3rxh@myrac.ca

Overall Aim and Aspiration

  • Get together with our ham radio buddies
  • Get outside
  • Work some contacts
  • Get ‘JW’ on the air!

Dates and Times

  • 48 hours total
  • 00:00 UTC 3rd June to 23:59 UTC 4th June 2023
  • Local Ottawa time: 8pm Friday 2nd June to 8pm Sunday 4th June
  • But …. Operate as much or as little as you like!


  • Choose your own park!
  • Over 30 in the Ottawa/Gatineau area

Bands and Modes

  • All bands, excluding the WARC bands of 60m, 30m,
    17m and 12m
  • Don’t forget VHF/UHF simplex
  • Land based repeaters are excluded, but satellite is
  • All modes allowed and every new digital mode counts
    as another QSO with the same station on the same

Calling CQ, Exchange and Dupes

  • Calling CQ: Include your park number, so that hunters
    can check for dupes
  • Exchange: All that is required is callsign
  • customary to give signal report and park number
  • Dupes: no additional points for a second QSO with the
    same callsign, same band, same mode, same park,
    same UTC day

Coordination of Operations

  • Essential:
  • many using VE3JW
  • avoid QRM in same park/band/mode
  • Choose your park, band and mode then email me at
  • Follow the coordination matrix
  • Update myself or Jim (VA3BJO) via VE2CRA, cell or
  • Announce your changes through VE2CRA