OVMRC Nets Update

A hearty hello to all OVMRC members! Most readers will be aware, following our ZOOM meeting of October 21, that participation in the club-sponsored nets continues to go strong and we certainly continue to have a wide range of discussion topics. The Thursday 2 metre net has been accommodating an ad-hoc swap segment recently as part of the ragchew second round and, I might say, has met with a certain level of success. Barry, VE3NA, has unloaded a few items and Frank VE3YY got an immediate taker for a can of RF shielding paint. So, if you have stuff laying around for sale or giveaway, or are looking for something to acquire, remember that the opportunity is there by joining the 2 metre net on VE3TWO each Thursday night at 8 pm.

A similar opportunity for friendly ragchew and buy/sell continues on the Pot Hole Net, Sunday mornings at 10 am, 3760 kHz. LSB. Please join in with Ernie, VE3EJJ, and Glenn, VE3XRA, to catch up on the latest news from the Club and participants.

Club members who may have an interest in legacy and recent developments in digital communication take note - I have a proposal to start a new net, The DEXNET (Digital Experimental Net), in next couple of weeks. The purpose of this net will be to provide a venue for hams in Ottawa-Outaouais to try out some of the data modes supported by such software as FLDigi and are finding popularity on the HF bands. There are a few logistics questions I need to address so, to that end, a poll has been created on the OVMRC groups.io internet site and I invite all OVMRC members who may be interested in participating in DEXNET to lodge their preferences on this poll. It is open now and will close on Friday, October 30 at 10 pm. Ottawa time.

My thanks to everyone who continues to support and participate in the OVMRC FM and SSB voice nets, you're all making being part of OVMRC a fun and educational experience.


Hugo Kneve, VE3KTN,
Chair, OVMRC Nets & Radio Operations