Hello, all OVMRC members and participants in our weekly nets. It is certainly comforting to have had a continued dedicated following on the OVMRC nets this season; I'm grateful to all attendees who check in to report on their weekly exploits across the bands and also to all the new operators who have gained amateur proficiency certification and are keen to join in the fun.
The Thursday evening 2 metre FM net has continued with good attendance and lively discussion. The weekly attendance trend chart shows an average of 20+ check-ins each week being much the same as during the 2022-23 season. Everyone on the 2 metre net has something interesting or helpful to say and the net usually runs rather long at 90 minutes or so. Nevertheless, even with the long run times, most attendees do stick around to the end which indicates to me that things are running right. I'm very pleased that Ante, VA2BBW, has continued to serve as our Contests and DX reporter, providing a comprehensive report on those fronts for the weekend following each net.
The net will be taking a break for the summer once again, with the last session of the season taking place on Thursday, June 20 and resuming on Thursday, September 5.

The 80 metre Pothole Net resumed operation after the 2023 summer break and continued at the same level of attendance, averaging 9 participants each Sunday morning. Solar Cycle 25 appears to have peaked in 2023-24 so it has been a tough go with having an 80 metre net at mid-morning, but Ernie, ve3ejj, lead net controller and Glenn, ve3xra, have persevered through it with the help of some relays and the monitor available from VE3HOA's SDR. I will say that it's been both interesting and reassuring that the PHN isn't limited to being heard only in Ottawa as Bob, VA3QV, makes his weekly presence known from Kingston. Even on days when propagation has been particularly bad, I could pull Bob out of the noise and have his check-in logged for the record. A tip of the hat to Bob for staying with us.
The PHN will be taking a break for the summer with the last net being held on Sunday, June 16 and returning on September 8.

Finally, the Potlid Slow Speed CW net continues on 6 metres with a core attendance of 6 local hams. Mike, VE3FFK, has joined in the net controller rotation and now provides for coverage from central Ottawa. Mike now joins in with me, Norm VE3LC and Ante VA2BBW as PLN controllers so there ought to be a good chance of listeners being able to tune into the action at least once a month. I will say once again that listening to CW on 6 metres can be confusing because of multipath from aircraft. The reflections are usually Doppler-shifted by a few Hz. which ends up appearing as two or more ghost signals at a receiver and sounds like a warble as opposed to a clean tone. Don't worry - this comes and goes depending on airline traffic patterns As with the other OVMRC nets, the PLN will take a summer break with the last net being run on Sunday, June 16 and resuming on September 8.
Best wishes all OVMRC members for a good summer whether it be with ham radio or family-friends summer activity. Please remember to join in the nets again starting the 2024-25 season on the first net day after Labour Day, September 2.
Hugo, VE3KTN
OVMRC Nets & OPS Chair
Appears in: Rambler Vol.66 Issue 10