OVMRC Fox hunt and POTA Activation at Vincent Massey Park

The Club Executive are committed to organising activities for members to get together, learn about ham radio and have fun.  The first outdoor event on the agenda for 2024 was a Fox hunt and POTA activation held on Saturday 20th April at Vincent Massey Park.

Although the day was a little damp that did not deter folks from turning up nor did it hold down the spirits of those that set off in search of the foxes (note:  foxes are hidden very low power transmitters, no animals were involved!).

The fox hiders set out early to ensure all five foxes were in place before the hunters arrived.

Photo 1:  The fox hiders (l to r):  Rob, VE3RXH; Harrie, VE3HYS and Roger, VA3EGY.
Photo 2:  Spot the fox!

Foxes were placed out of sight in locations around the park, and hung close to each fox was a small orange/white orienteering flag and a label with a commonly used Q code.  Once the hunters found each fox using their receiver and directional antenna, they recorded the Q code.

Photo 3:  Roger, VA3EGY sets up the fox hunting gear.  Rebecca, VE3DLI and Will, VA3ODW prepare for the hunt.

First timers were given an introduction to fox hunting and a brief on using the Sniffer4 receivers and the 3 element Yagi antennas.

Photo 4:  Harrie, VE3HYS gives a briefing to the first time fox hunters.
Photo 5 - Daniella (harmonic of Charles, VA3CGF) sets off in search of the foxes (Photo credit Charles, VA3CGF)
Photo 6:  David, VA3UDA and Monique, VA3NTB get some fox hunting tips from Roger, VA3EGY.
Photo 7:  Donald, VA3ZZI sets off confidently to find all five foxes (Photo credit Charles, VA3CGF).

A total of 10 amateurs and a few with family members took part in the Fox hunt, with 6 finding at least one fox.  Most were new to the activity and made use of our Sniffer4 receiver/antenna setup which greatly simplifies the tracking of foxes.  Some tried to use an HT with a directional antenna but found that the signal was too strong and so they could not discern a direction.  This where the benefit of an offset attenuator would help and some suggestions are:

  • There is also a good one from 3rd Planet Solar.  https://kc9on.com/product/fox-hunt-v7/. (There was a Club bulk order and build day a few years ago).  This one can also be purchased pre-assembled for a few extra bucks too.

Fox hunt certificates are to be awarded to:

  • Donald, VA3ZZI, found all 5 foxes and was first to report back to the start/finish area.
  • Team 1 – Harmonics of Rebecca, VE3DLI, found all 5 foxes.
  • Charles, VA3CGF and harmonic, Daniella, found 4 foxes.
  • David, VA3UDA found 2 foxes.
  • Will, VA3ODW found 2 foxes.
  • Rebecca, VE3DLI and OM, Matthew, found 2 foxes.

For the POTA activation, this was one of the POTA Support Your Parks (SYP) weekends, which take place seasonally, on the 3rd full weekend of the month (Saturday & Sunday UTC).  These are ‘activity weekends’ where the main purpose is to get out in the parks, and have as much fun as possible.  Dates are:

Winter - 3rd Full Weekend of January.
Spring - 3rd Full Weekend of April.
Summer - 3rd Full Weekend of July.
Autumn - 3rd Full Weekend of October.

The net result was that many more parks were being activated and many more hunters were standing by to make QSOs.  Our activators were:

JD, VA2OJD (first POTA activation)
Chris, VA3CJO (first POTA activation)
Norm, VE3LC

Here’s a write up from Chris, VA3CJO:

Not only a great turnout at the park, we had great support from hunters. I focused my attention on the POTA activation but watched the fox-hunt demo with interest.

This was my first activation. Some comments and stats, bulleted for brevity:

  • IC-705, 5-Watts max, iPad running "SDR Control" app for logging and digi-modes, phone as WiFi hotspot to bridge iPad and radio & provide data.
  • ground spike, coil-tuned, 17-foot telescoping whip with about a dozen radials, initially tuned for 40m, then 20m followed by moving a bit so as not to step on anyone.
  • several SSB contacts with the locals on 40m and into the USA on FT8.
  • retuned for 17m and 15m after moving under one of the shelters - made multiple FT8 contacts across Europe including Ukraine, Italy, Austria, Germany, in addition to the USA and Canada
  • totalled 19 QSOs
Photo 8 and 9:  Chris, VA3CJO, used his Icom 705 and coil tuned vertical antenna to reach Europe and across the US/Canada (Photo credit Chris, VA3CJO).
Photo 10:  Kathleen, VA3WEX setup for POTA (Photo credit Norm, VE3LC)

Fred, VE3LAF and Michael, VE3WMB activated from nearby Hog’s Back Park, CA-1596.

Thanks to all those who came out and for their contributions as noted:

VA3JYK, John (lead for the POTA activation and brought coffee and donuts which were essential sustenance for the chilly weather)
VA3EGY, Roger (lead for the fox hunting setup)
VE3HYS, Harrie (fox hunting setup)
VA3CGF, Charles and harmonic, Daniella
VE3DLI, Rebecca with OM, Michael and harmonics
VA3WEX, Kathleen
VA3ODW, Will
VE3LC, Norm
VA3NTB, Monique
VA3UDA, David
VA3CJO, Chris

The next event in the calendar is the vehicle based fox hunt (details to follow), mobile radio show and tell (bring your vehicle with mobile installation and/or portable setup) and tail gate (bring your lunch!) on Saturday 20th May at the IBEW Local 586, 1178 Rainbow St., Gloucester, ON.

Appears in: Rambler Vol.66 Issue 9