The Begali Spark has arrived and is now in operation. Actually it took me over a year to decide because I really wanted an example of fine Italian machinery. I thought about a Ferrari, but they are too cramped, and then a Lamborghini and they are too cramped also, and then a Maserati but I don't think I would want to use one in Ottawa winters, so I decided upon the Begali Spark. I think that it was a good choice and it can be used year round.
After I ordered it and got the funds transferred to Begali Bruna Begali was a real pleasure to work with. I was informed by Bruna that my Spark had been shipped via FedEx and she gave me a tracking number so I spent the week tracking the package.. My Spark travelled to Charles de Gaulle airport, waited three days, then to Cologne, then to Indianapolis, then to Memphis then to Ottawa arriving 29 November. Because I was not here for the delivery, I picked it up at the FedEx office at Ottawa airport.( I had no idea of the size of Fedex- at the FedEx hub in Memphis on Google Maps I counted 14 FedEx freight aircraft and Chat said that FedEx has over 650 aircraft.)

So I began to unpack the Begali Spark. First there were two plastic wraps- one by Begai and one by Canada Customs. Canada Customs had unpacked the item completely, presumably to verify that the 1.6 Kg package really was an "amateur radio telegraph key" as declared, and not some other example of fine Italian engineering. Then there was some styrofoam which protected an inner box. This box had also been opened, presumably by Canada Customs. (I noted that they put everything back in place and sealed the package well, so it was not a problem for me.)
Inside the inner box, were a few items including a coaster,a seasons greeting card, a pen embossed with the Begali crest and name and a wire cord with two connectors to hook up the key to the rig. I had to cut the cord and solder the wire to the ring connectors underneath the key. No problem - they gave instructions.
So I got the key on the air via my 7300 and made another SKCC contact - a Senator! The key does not help with my Morse code copying - but it is a pleasure to send with it. I hope the difference is not just the weight of the key because my Grimmer Wilson, which I have had for 65 years, weighs only 369g. Maybe I could have used it for a few more years by using some Goop to hold the key to the table (as described by VE3LC.)
73, Wray VA3EO