This is a report on the club’s performance in the June 2023 ARRL Field Day as listed in the final scores posted in the December 2023 on-line version of QST Magazine. If you receive the paper version of QST you may have to look in the on-line version for your score, as not all categories are listed in the paper copy.
This year the OVMRC once again did very well in terms of our participation levels. We came in at 5th place. We had 13 members enter the contest and list their scores with the OVMRC. Last year we were in 3rd place with 22 members participating, so we are still maintaining our status as a leading club. The 3rd place and 4th place clubs this year had 15 and 16 participants respectively. As you can see, the difference in placement can be very small and everyone’s contribution is significant and important. This year the top two clubs had 28 and 22 participants. Most clubs had fewer than 10 participants although 2907 stations listed their scores with clubs.
In terms of our aggregate score, we had a total of 16,810 points. This placed us in 20th position in the Club Aggregate Score category. This is down from our 7th place finish last year with 17,307 points. Another two thousand points would have moved us back to 7th place in the scoring again. That’s equivalent to four more stations making about 40 contacts each, including some bonus points for things like emergency power.
Member scores of note are Marc VE3BOE with 5,820, Norm VE3LC with 3,860, and Hugo VE3KTN with 3,040. Also, Marc VE3BOE placed 5th overall in the 1E category. Of the OVMRC club members participating, two operated portable QRP using batteries, six operated home stations on emergency power, and five operated home stations on commercial power. Again this year we have shown that we are one of the more active amateur radio clubs in North America.

Pat Brewer VE3KJQ