For the OVMRC POTA-in-the-Park event at Hogs back park (# VE-1596) local operators gathered in less than perfect weather to enjoy some good RF propagation. While Norm VE3LC activated the park, 6 operating positions were set up and 18 people participated. This was a great opportunity for increasing public awareness of Amateur radio and several people inquired about what was going on.
There was a good number of participants which included, Norm VE3LC, Bill VA3WBR, John VA3JYK, Tim VE3TXB, Norman VE3NNP, Cal VA3ZLA, Jonathan VA2LOJ, Barry VE3NA, Hugo VE3KTN, Wray VA3EO, Fred VE3LAF, William VA3ODW, Trevor VE3TAC, and possibly several other local operators.
Norm VE3LC operating condition included:
- FT8 using an IC-705 and Pi-400 running WSJT-X on 20m using a OPEK HVT-400B antenna mag mounted to the roof of his car.
- The IC-705 on FT-8 was operated from a tablet connected by WIFI, allowing Norm to roam around the part while operating through his tablet at the same time. Norm VE3LC made 38 contacts.
Norms setup was extensive with a guyed mast and a sloper endfed antenna. He was well prepared for rain with a canopy. It didn't rain much during the hour or so that I was there.
There were several other members set up in their vehicles in the parking lot but I didn't get any shots of them