On Saturday April 15, 2023 there was a special in person event sponsored by the Ottawa Valley Mobile Radio Club; Ottawa Amateur Radio Club and, the National Capital Chapter (70) of the Quarter Century Wireless Association to honour the long-standing contributions to amateur radio of Bryan VE3QN. Special thanks to Colin Guillas VA3CSG, VP IBEW Local 586, for providing access to a wonderful venue for this special event.
The meeting was brought to order by Barry VE3NA, OVMRC President, who provided some initial remarks noting some of the procedural challenges in nominating and conducting a club vote in Bryan's OVMRC life-membership.
Dave VE3AV with the assistance of Pat VE3KJQ made some initial remarks and presented Bryan VE3QN with the Quarter Century Wireless Association with the QCWA Century Club Award, issued to QCWA members whose age, when added to their number of continuous years as a QCWA member totals 100 or more.
Norm VE3LC, OVMRC Vice-President, picked it up from there with some introductory remarks and the introduction of Phil McBride VA3QR, President, Radio Amateurs of Canada to present the Canadian Amateur Radio Hall of Fame (CAROF) award. More on Bryan's contribuition to amateuir radio can be found on the RAC website at: https://www.rac.ca/bryan-rawlings-ve3qn-appointed-to-hall-of-fame/
Then It was Bryan VE3QN's turn to provide some remarks in response in which he spoke eloquently about his time working with ISED on the international representation of the interests of Canadian Amateur Radio in maintaining and gaining further access to amateur radio RF spectrum. He later wrote to the OVMRC executive sharing his thanks with a statement that read:
I would like to thank the Executive and members of the OVMRC for the magnificent event they staged on April 15th in my honour. It has been an honour to serve Canadian radio amateurs for the past many years and your reception today makes all my efforts worthwhile. Thanks. Bryan VE3QN

Appears in: Rambler Vol 65 Issue 8, April 2023