RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is a system used to disseminate information in a “feed”. RSS is used as the backbone of the podcast distribution system, but can also be used to to follow your favourite websites and news providers. If you enjoy reading the content on the website, but forget to check back on a regular basis, then RSS could be for you!
RSS feeds are shared as simple URLs. The feed for is
Feeds can be input into RSS reader applications in order to “subscribe” to RSS feeds. Your RSS reader will automatically update as new content is added to the feed.
Email Clients
If you are a user of the Thunderbird email client, you can add RSS feeds and read them just like emails. In Thunderbird click Edit -> Properties -> Account Actions -> Add Feed Account. Once a feed account has been set up you can add individual feeds to it by clicking the “Manage Subscriptions” button.

Dedicated RSS Readers
for those who prefer web applications, Feedly is a dedicated RSS reader with extensive features. It runs in your browser.

Browser Extensions
Feedbro is a browser extension which allows users to subscribe to, and follow RSS feeds directly in their browsers. It supports Chrome, Firefox and Edge browsers.

RSS is alive and well! Regardless of the client you chose, RSS offers a convenient and open-source way to stay up to date with content from OVMRC contributors, news organizations, blogs, video feeds, and podcasts.
Appears in: Rambler Vol 65 Issue 7, March 2023