Administrative Notice - Idle Account Purge

Greetings all!

It is my intention to purge all unused accounts this weekend. If you have a commenting account, and haven't logged in for more than 6 months and aren't on the OVMRC executive, I will be removing your account on Saturday, 13 June.

There are no major effects of this - having an account is not necessary to read the site, however you must have a registered account to write comments on articles. Article comments are not a huge thing here on the OVMRC web site. This has no impact on your membership in the OVMRC, your radio licence or anything else.

Why is this being done?

Unused/forgotten/idle accounts are a prime spot for criminals to poke at a web site, and for safety reasons, I shall remove them.

Can I prevent my account from being deleted?

Yes. Simply log in between now and Saturday morning.

Can I get my account back?

Yes. If you suddenly find you can't login (although if you haven't logged in for 6 months "suddenly" isn't really the right word), hit the contact link and send me a note with your name, email, and call sign, and I will set up an account for you.

We have 30 registered users, and only 6 have ever logged in, so I believe some clean-up is in order.

I apologise if this causes anyone consternation.

73 de VE3OIJ