Proposed Revisions to the OVMRC By-Laws

Attention OVMRC Membership - Proposed Revisions to the OVMRC By-Laws

Available for download are the "Proposed Revisions to the OVMRC By-Laws".  The Club's executive committee members have been working on revising the Club's By-Laws for several weeks and wish to raise a motion of acceptance by the membership at the May, 2019 meeting.

The main areas of revision include:

  • Removal section 9.5 "Limitations on Terms of Office" that restricts Directors (President, Vice President, Treasurer, or Secretary) to serve more than 3 consecutive terms (of 1 year) in the same Director position.  ( At the present time, this restriction would prevent our existing Treasurer continuing to serve in that position for another year. ) Of course, all incumbent Directors that agree to continue serving the Club can be challenged by appropriate nomination of another willing and eligible candidate and election at the Annual General Meeting in June.
  • Adding to the responsibility of the Treasurer position the keeping of the membership database to facilitate better correlation of membership status with the payment of annual membership dues.  
  • Renaming what was previously known as the "Membership Committee" to "Reception and Welcoming Committee" and transferring the keeping of membership records to the Treasurer as indicated above. 
  • Removal of the "Amateur Radio Exhibit Committee" as the exhibit station at the Museum no longer exists.
  • Many other word editing changes of various sections in keeping with  name changes of the Department responsible to radio spectrum matters.
  • Other additions to some sections to better define responsibilities of Directors and Committees, timing of posting notices, and methods of communicating business matters to the membership.

For preparation of a membership vote on the Proposed Revisions, please read the highlighted and commented areas of change available for download here: .

Compare with the original document (2012) found at:   .  

Also, the Club's executive committee seeks nominations for eligible and willing Club members (see section 8.2 of the By-Laws) that wish to serve the Club for any of the Director positions or chairpersons of committees as defined in the By-Laws.   Such nominations can be sent to any Director of the Club and a determination will be made whether or not the candidate is eligible. 

Posting by:

Norm Rashleigh,
