The Pot Hole Net’s 60th Anniversary Rally

    The Pot Hole Net has been in continuous operation since May of 1959. In celebration of the net’s 60th anniversary we will be holding a six-net rally that will give qualifying participants a chance to earn one of three levels of certificates. The rally will start with the PHN on Sunday April 21st and run through to Sunday May 26th. For further details and guidelines, please refer to the April issue of the OVMRC Rambler.

    The nets will run in their usual manner and check-ins will be recorded by our regular NCSs, VE3EJJ and VE3XRA.

    Not everyone has the space or ability to deploy a resonant antenna for 80m and we are aware that a few hams, as well as others, listen along on Sunday mornings. There is an opportunity to earn a SWL certificate for those who report on at least three of the six qualifier nets.

Ottawa Valley Mobile Radio Club’s Pot Hole Net – 3760 kHz, Sunday mornings at 10am local.

    The Pot Hole Net is an important part our club’s history and deserves to be recognized in an active fashion. It will be fun to see how this event plays out.

    Any questions concerning The Pot Hole Net’s 60th Anniversary Rally can be sent to .

    Good luck to all participants!
