OVMRC Net Season 2018/19

The summer is old... It happens every year in mid to late August. We realize the weeks have flown by and the days begin to quickly shorten as the oncoming equinox suddenly reminds us of the inevitable change that will be upon us in only a few weeks.

It's not all that bad. We've enjoyed a steamy summer and managed to spend a great deal of it outside, but there's always something pleasing about preparing and tuning antennas and feedline in the last bearable weeks for doing so. Settling in at our cozy operating position for a few cold months, ready for dozens, maybe hundreds of QSOs. Maybe even a net or two.

The OVMRC's nets will be fun, busy places to meet.

The OVMRC 2 Metre Net will kick off the season at 8pm Thursday September 6th on the club's repeater VE3TWO. 147.300 MHz+ with a 100 Hz tone.

Look for the Pot Hole Net, in its 60th year at 3760 kHz at 10am Sunday September 9th.

Of course all hams are welcome!  Please join us.


One response to “OVMRC Net Season 2018/19”

  1. Not that I'm wishing summer away, but I am looking forward to the nets starting up again. 73 Rob VE3RXH