OVMRC 2 METER NET, Summer 2017

In recent weeks a couple of the 2m net regulars have asked why the net shuts down for July and August. Often in summer participation dwindles as people find things to do elsewhere, enjoying the daylight and weather while they can. However, the FM net would probably keep enough interest to maintain respectable turnouts on Thursday evenings.
If the OVMRC 2 Meter Net is to run throughout the summer, it will require at least a couple of volunteer NCOs to fill in the gaps. Ideally, these volunteers would be club members willing to stick with the net through the regular season as well, to help with scheduling and adding variety to the operation. Otherwise the net will close for July and August, the final net being held Thursday the 29th of June at 8 pm local on repeater VE3TWO. Anyone interested in being part of an NCS team schedule, please contact me at ve3ekn@gmail.com no later than June 29th.

Ken   VE3EKN