ARRL Field Day 2015

The Last Rainy Weekend of June

VE3NJK Field dayFor 2015, the Ottawa Valley Radio Club conducted their Field Day operations on the grounds of the Canadian Aviation and Space Museum; a very public place that attracted many visitors from the public.

The objective of the Field Day exercise is a 24 hour competition between Amateur Radio Clubs and Groups in North America to contact as many other amateur radio stations as possible on any and all amateur bands (excluding 60, 30, 17, and 12 metre bands) and in doing so, to learn to operate under abnormal situations in less than optimal conditions. A premium is placed on developing skills to meet the challenges of emergency preparedness as well as to acquaint the general public with the capabilities of Amateur Radio.

This objective means the club will operate several stations simultaneously using tent and camper trailer shelters and antennas erected especially for the Field Day event and all power necessary to operate the radio and related equipment will be self generated and not from public commercial sources.

The Field Day event and competition is governed by the America Radio Relay League (ARRL) and also sanctioned by Radio Amateurs of Canada , our advocacy organization for Canada. The rules of competition are set annually by the ARRL and can be found at: ARRL Field Day.

Bonus points are given to competing clubs for such initiatives as operating in a public venue, for using solar power, for media publicity of the event, for contacts using low earth orbiting satellites launched especially for the amateur radio service and for having youth participate in making amateur radio contacts.

Click Here! to have a look at our FD 2015 photos!
